
10800 Academy Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Tel : +1 540-898-0020

Spring Break Camp
Spring Break Camp

Welcome to Fredericksburg Academy's Camp FA.

Our Spring Break Camp begins April 14-18, 21, 2025.


April 14-18, 21, 2025

Registration Opens in March 



Pure Fun Camp

Campers will enjoy six days of FUN! A combination of both indoor and outdoor activities and games will be combined with just enough learning to provide a fun, yet educational program. Pack a reusable water bottle, snack, and lunch; wear good tennis shoes and comfortable clothing, and prepare for fun!  Sign up for a single day, or all six.


If you have questions, please contact: [email protected]


Spring Break Camp Registration Opens in March

Hours and Prices

 *prices are: $ per day / $ all 6 days

Prior to the first day of attending Spring Break Camp, all parents are expected to read and agree to the Camp FA Policies and Procedures in its entirety.

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